worship services


Tradition and history are some of our most important values. We do take great care when we plan and have our services and we strictly follow the Lutheran Service Book.

Divine Service 3 for most of the year.


Christmas Eve – 4 pm 
Christmas Day – 10 am


Oklahoma Avenue Lutheran was started as a mission of the English District of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. The cornerstone of the first church building was laid in 1932. At the time, it was called the “Jackson Heights Mission”.

The congregation officially organized in 1934. At that time, they renamed the church “Oklahoma Avenue Lutheran Church” and they had 9 voting members and 34 communicant members.

In 1954, the current church building was erected. A school was built in 1966 as the congregation experienced great growth, topping 2,000 members in the boom years of the 1960s. But gradual decline, suffered by many churches of all denominations since the 1990s hit us, too.

In January 2022, we formed a dual-point parish with Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church on 68th and Arthur. The hope is that both congregations can thrive through the partnership while simultaneously planning for both a Classical Lutheran High School and eventually a grade school. The schools will allow the classroom space at both locations to be utilized as we strive to serve the community around us with the truth, goodness, and beauty of Jesus Christ.